Our clients and partners think this about 2INGIS®
With the team of Two Ingis, IMplant Set Up, Design, Planning; finalization of implant guide manufacturing is smooth and time-effective, guaranteeing optimal success for implant placement and long term outcome. In our modern days a MUST for patient satisfaction.

Since 2000 I have tried many different surgical guides in my practice and I am so confident to recommend 2Ingis stents not just "one of the best" but THE BEST design. The precision and best drill cooling mechanism must be highlighted amongst many other advantages. No matter how complicated the case is, there is always the best solution available. I have the control on my planning and also I am sure Philippe's great knowledge on the other hand is always there to support me. Biggest thanks to All of you guys @2Ingis."

For years I have been looking for an accurate, precise, reliable and versatile guided system. I was looking for something that allowed me to combine the advantages of digital and analogic techniques, especially for soft tissue management.
The kit is very smart, with few tools that you can use with any type of implant.
I recommend 2ingis to all professionals who use more than one implant system and to those who are going to start with guided surgery and are looking for something special.
2ingis gave me the answers I was looking for.

Utilisateur depuis 2019, j'ai trouvé en 2ingis un concept de guide implantaire qui me plait, un système qui s'utilise quel que soit la marque ou le type d'implant. J'apprécie également le fait que nos remarques et souhaits soient pris en compte et mis en œuvre très rapidement. Je ne dirais pas que c'est le système de guidage parfait, poser un implant en 37 étant droitier reste laborieux, mais ils sont là pour vous et ne cessent d'évoluer.

I have been using 2ingis surgical guides since 8 years ago. The guide has been developed professionally by Philippe and has been improved along the time and updated. Philippe and Kevin have been always there for any help or advice. Currently, the guide offers extremely accurate and predictable results for my surgeries. The fact that 2ingis guide gives me the freedom to work with ANY implant system, makes it second to none. I would highly recommend 2ingis surgical guides.

I have chosen 2ingis implant guided system over others simply because their amazing customer service (any time, any day, if you have a question or problem they are always there to help), great idea of dual legs (feels more reliable than just a metal cylinder) which facilitate visibility and irrigation.
I also describe it as “an open system”, as you can avoid buying very expensive guided kits, and be able to chose the right implant brand, shape, size for each particular case.
I will not hesitate to recommend 2ingis to anyone who is considering doing guided implant surgery. I am actually mentoring colleagues who also love it!!!!!!

A powerful system in implantology, the 2ingis® guidance system enables the precision and speed of the surgical procedure to be combined, regardless of the number of implants to be placed.
We can only thank the inventor of this system that allows any operator to work with comfort, serenity and safety for the patient during his intervention.
The designer of this system also knows how to make himself available at important moments and adapt his system to different brands of implants with a dynamics, a professionalism and an enthusiasm extremely pleasant.
Attached Practitioner of Hospitals
from the university faculty of Montpellier.

Having tried different guidance systems, I find that 2ingis® is significantly superior to others.
The reason is simple. It is based on an idea as simple as it is great: the guidance is not obtained by friction around the drill, but by sliding on two rods arranged laterally. Result: it can be used for all successive drills. And of course, it is compatible with all implant systems.
We are extremely satisfied because it brings a plus, both in terms of safety (which is very appreciated especially by beginners in the context of the DU of implantology) and in precision (for the delicate cases where the error of placement is prohibited).
But the most spectacular contribution naturally remains the comfort of the patient: no mucosal detachment so no follow-up!
I highly recommend this system!

Just as GPS has revolutionized driver guidance on roads, the 2ingis® Surgical Guide has propelled oral implantology into the era of safety, efficiency and speed.
What comfort for the practitioner as well as for the patient as the surgical act is reduced in time and controlled by a thorough work upstream.
Using the 2ingis® guide is integrating the news into your implantology practice thanks to a programmeabouti, a mastery of robotic technology as well as adhering to the security of your actions.
Congratulations again to its inventor for having managed to design a product as simple and so powerful!

I have been working with 2ingis® guides for years, I have known all generations of company guides and I am proud to have contributed somewhat to the improvement of the system. Because it is one of the strong points of the society, the interaction and the integration of the wishes of the practitioner. Today, the product is mature and perfectly meets the highest requirements. But I am sure that new improvements will come with the increase in the number of users.
This double guidance simplifies my work, transforms delicate situations into comfortable situations.
I was able to help many patients who came to my home because the previous practitioner felt, rightly without the use of a guided system, the situation unmanageable.
Recently, new zirconia forests, particularly aggressive, appeared in the range of 2ingis®, impossible to use without a guide because they have no spikes but sharp edges flat, they have only one disadvantage, it becomes difficult to appreciate the hardness of the bone as they have an impressive cutting power ... In short, with a direct irrigation on the forest and a razor cut, the risk of heating disappears. And that, it speaks to me!
And I could talk about it for hours, if you have questions, you're welcome.

Our experiences with 2ingis® are very positive. The system is safe and easy to use. The technical support for planning and queries is optimal.
We use 2ingis® v.a. To be able to carry out implantation in critical areas absolutely safely and to avoid complex measures by bone augmentation through the optimized implant positioning.
The patients are enthusiastic about the minimally invasive procedure and the lack of pain and swelling postoperatively.

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